Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wein, Bor, Vin, Vino, WINE!

10th Annual Hungarian Wine Festival
15 countries, 220 winemakers, and over 5,000 wines!

It was probably one of the more cultured events I have participated in while here. Not that Hard Cider at Szimpla and Cinnamon-Orange Tequila shots don't make me a well rounded woman... Just kidding.

But I tried some good wines and some got so good wines. I did manage to buy two bottles as gifts, hopefully they will like it! It's hard being young and inexperienced buying wine, but I think this helped expand my knowledge and I think both of the wines I chose will suffice, my wallet sure thinks so!

I tasted about 10 different types of wine ( Sweet Red Wine, Sweet White Wine, Cabernet Sauvignon, Rose, and Eger Bikaver)

"While not considered one of the world’s more refined wines, Egri BikavĂ©r is one of Hungary’s most famous exports.Translated as “Bull’s Blood of Eger,” (a wine growing region of Northern Hungary)"
Yea, the Bikaver wasn't my favorite, but I had to at least try a glass, its obviously a red wine that is a mixture at least 3 of the following 13 different grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Kadarka, Kekfrankos, Blauer Portugieser, Cabernet Franc, Menoire, Pinot Noir, Syran, Turan, Blauburger, Biborkadarka, and Zweigelt

Here are some girls enjoying a nice glass of wine :)

Overall, a quality experience. It is nice to have new and exciting things to do in Budapest. No traveling expenses involved, no planning, etc. It was a beautiful night and the walk was enjoyable. I'm glad we had a good group who went.

Tomorrow brings Corvinus University Orientation. I'm back and forth with school starting. I get really excited to actually be taking classes over here and having a routine down. But then again, it's a foreign country, and it's very different from good ole UNH. But I'll keep my head up and go into it with an open mind. I'm ready for something new and different.
My School: Corvinus University of Budapest 2011

That's all for now! Szia!

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